엠디 사비르 알리
ARTISTY Certified Artist
Sabir Ali was born in West Bengal in 1983 and was educated at Kala Bhavan, Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan, where he received a BFA degree in Painting in 2004 and an MFA in Painting in 2006. He has participated in many group shows and is a recipient of the Elizabeth Greenshield Award.

Ali’s works often contain representations of the past and present, as well as the real and mediated, which come together to create a sense of irony. He is influenced by the concepts of death and erasure and the reactions to these concepts. Ali neglects a photorealistic vocabulary in favour of politically charged content through his poetic exploration of the complex interpersonal relationships of his subjects.

In 2011, Ali was invited to participate in the prestigious residency at Gyeonggi Creation Center in South Korea. The artist lives and works in Santiniketan. Right now he living and practising his art in South Korea, Busan.
엠디 사비르 알리 (Md. Sabir Ali)
     인도국적/1983년 12월 10일생                                                                                                    

 2004   비스바 바라티(Visva Bharati)대학교 회화과 졸업(산티니께탄,인도)
  2006   동대학원 회화과 졸업 

  2012   "Two Solos" (Sakshi Gallery/뭄바이)

  2016   “Of Moorings”  (Gandhara Art Gallery/콜카타)
  2015   “BENGAL PANORAMA”  (Janus Art Gallery/뉴델리)
  2015    'CIMA AWARDS SHOW’  (Cima Art Gallery/콜카타)
  2015    Award Group Show  (SSVAD/샨티니께탄)
  2015    2nd Annual Exhibition  (Emamichisel Art/콜카타)
  2014    Summer shows  (Gallery88/콜카타)
  2011    Open Studio Exhibition  (경기창작센터/경기도)
  2010     Bridge 2 worlds  (The Menier Art gallery/런던)
  2010    JULY Screenings  (Sakshi Gallery/뭄바이)
  2010    “S.P.A.N” Show  (Nandan Art Gallery/샨티니게탄)
  2009     Narative Movement  (Gallery With Difference/콜카타)
  2009     Bridge 2 worlds  (The Menier Art gallery/런던)  
  2009     “Young Blood “a Group show  (Ganges art gallery/콜카타)   
  2008     Group of Artist from Santiniketan  (Artist Circle/콜카타)
  2007     An Exhibition of Painting & Ceramics (Lokayata Mulk Raj Anand Center/뉴델리)
  2007     Young Contemporaries (Aakriti Art gallery /콜카타)       
  2007     Under Current an Exhibition of painting  (Tribeni Kala Sangam/뉴델리)
  2006     39th Annual Exhibition  (Birla Academy Art & Culture/콜카타)          
  2004     Group Show  (Birla Academy Academy Art & Culture/콜카타) 
  2004     B.H.U. Art exhibition  (Banaras art Gallery/바라나시)    

2021      아시아프 (홍대갤러리/서울)
2020     아시아프 (홍대갤러리/서울)
2019      아시아프(DDP/서울)
2018     MANIF2018 서울 국제아트폐어(예술의 전당 한가람 미술관/,서울)
  2013     Indian Art Summit (델리) ( Sakshi Gallery/뭄바이)
2010     Indian Art Summit (델리) ( Sakshi Gallery/뭄바이)

  2014    National Level Art Camp and Workshop organized by Santiniketan Society of Visual Art and Design (SSVAD)
  2013    Panting workshop  (SSVAD/ Santiniketan) organized by State bank of India  
  2006     The Heritage Kala Prava (구르가온)   
  2005     Enamel painting workshop (Kala Bhavan/ Visva Bharati university)  

  2001    Elizabeth Green Shield Foundation Awards (캐나다)       
  2004-06 National Scholarship (Ministry of Culture) (인도) 
2020      아시아프 하트페어 본상수상 (히든분야/서울)
2019       아시아프 우수작가 선정

  2011   경기창작센터 입주작가 (경기도) 

   State Bank of India
엠디 사비르 알리
Acrylic on Canvas, 2019
72 x 91 cm
엠디 사비르 알리
Acrylic on Canvas, 2020
27 x 37 cm
엠디 사비르 알리
Acrylic on Canvas, 2020
38 x 40 cm
엠디 사비르 알리
Acrylic on Canvas, 2020
72 x 91 cm
엠디 사비르 알리
Acrylic on Canvas, 2019
72 x 91 cm