Often I realize contradictions in myself some time appears as several identity. When I deeply think about something or some issues, it impact me as I become as other self. In the process of making art its gives me an experience of being others. I simply tried to free myself to paint this feeling for this emotion in this particular painting.
written by artist 엠디 사비르 알리
엠디 사비르 알리 (Md. Sabir Ali) 인도국적/1983년 12월 10일생 2004 비스바 바라티(Visva Bharati)대학교 회화과 졸업(산티니께탄,인도) 2006 동대학원 회화과 졸업 개인전 2012 "Two Solos" (Sakshi Gallery/뭄바이) 그룹전 2016 “Of Moorings” (Gandhara Art Gallery/콜카타) 2015 “BENGAL PANORAMA” (Janus Art Gallery/뉴델리) 2015 'CIMA AWARDS SHOW’ (Cima Art Gallery/콜카타) 2015 Award Group Show (SSVAD/샨티니께탄) 2015 2nd Annual Exhibition (Emamichisel Art/콜카타) 2014 Summer shows (Gallery88/콜카타) 2011 Open Studio Exhibition (경기창작센터/경기도) 2010 Bridge 2 worlds (The Menier Art gallery/런던) 2010 JULY Screenings (Sakshi Gallery/뭄바이) 2010 “S.P.A.N” Show (Nandan Art Gallery/샨티니게탄) 2009 Narative Movement (Gallery With Difference/콜카타) 2009 Bridge 2 worlds (The Menier Art gallery/런던) 2009 “Young Blood “a Group show (Ganges art gallery/콜카타) 2008 Group of Artist from Santiniketan (Artist Circle/콜카타) 2007 An Exhibition of Painting & Ceramics (Lokayata Mulk Raj Anand Center/뉴델리) 2007 Young Contemporaries (Aakriti Art gallery /콜카타) 2007 Under Current an Exhibition of painting (Tribeni Kala Sangam/뉴델리) 2006 39th Annual Exhibition (Birla Academy Art & Culture/콜카타) 2004 Group Show (Birla Academy Academy Art & Culture/콜카타) 2004 B.H.U. Art exhibition (Banaras art Gallery/바라나시) 아트페어 2021 아시아프 (홍대갤러리/서울) 2020 아시아프 (홍대갤러리/서울) 2019 아시아프(DDP/서울) 2018 MANIF2018 서울 국제아트폐어(예술의 전당 한가람 미술관/,서울) 2013 Indian Art Summit (델리) ( Sakshi Gallery/뭄바이) 2010 Indian Art Summit (델리) ( Sakshi Gallery/뭄바이) 워크샵 2014 National Level Art Camp and Workshop organized by Santiniketan Society of Visual Art and Design (SSVAD) 2013 Panting workshop (SSVAD/ Santiniketan) organized by State bank of India 2006 The Heritage Kala Prava (구르가온) 2005 Enamel painting workshop (Kala Bhavan/ Visva Bharati university) 수상 2001 Elizabeth Green Shield Foundation Awards (캐나다) 2004-06 National Scholarship (Ministry of Culture) (인도) 2020 아시아프 하트페어 본상수상 (히든분야/서울) 2019 아시아프 우수작가 선정 기타경력 2011 경기창작센터 입주작가 (경기도) 작품소장 State Bank of India